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Whole Body Vibration Therapy

unnamedAt The Wellness Path, we utilize Whole Body Vibration Therapy (WBV) as one part of our neuro-retraining program. Each patient is prescribed a specific set of exercises based on their neurological findings during our comprehensive neurological exam on their first visit. WBV has been shown to have many benefits for all patients and some added benefits for special populations such as those with scoliosis.

Whole Body Vibration Therapy has been researched and is linked to less pain and inflammation, increased mobility and bone density, and improved strength.

Not only has WBV shown to help with low back pain and other musculo-skeletal injuries or pain, but it has also shown to help strengthen the brain by improving the connection between the brain and the body. This neurological improvement is the greatest benefit that WBV provides and why we chose to have it in our office.

With this improved neurological connection, WBV has been known to improve balance and coordination, improve lymphatic circulation, quicker healing, dilating blood vessels to lower blood pressure, stimulating production of beneficial hormones, and more energy.

As you can tell, Vibration Therapy has many benefits and that is why we love having it in our office! Anything we can do to help our practice members meet their health and wellness goals even quicker is always something we love!

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